Creative & Innovative
Plasma CVD System

& Innovative
Jpel is a manufacturer
of plasma CVD system
dedicated for
specialized device
such as LED, power
device and
Compound sensors,
where hightly qualified
film deposition is
& Innovative
High Spec LED Smart Phone
・Head Light ・Save Device
・Deep-UV LED ・Sensors
JPEL has plenty of
sales results for
production model of
Car Electronics PE-CVD system used
・Power Drive for there kinds of
・Sensors unique application.
Creative & Innovative PECVD
JPEL's PE-CVD system realizes
excellent reproducibility and has a
wide range of process windows.
Thus, it is suitable for processes
which are difficult to achieve by other
competitive tools.
Creative & Innovative PECVD
Please contact us if you have any requests
for deposition of better thin film quality and characteristics.
JPEL's is always ready to offer you opportunities to
evaluate film performance by using our demo unit.
極薄ウエハへの成膜 |
搬送系の取り扱いに注意が必要 |
化合物系ウエハへの成膜 |
サーマルショック等で破損し易い |
低温(100℃〜)での成膜 |
特殊基板への成膜 |
低D/R(5nm/min)での成膜 |
耐湿性/耐絶縁性に優れた成膜 |
ストレスコントロール |
低ストレスで緻密な成膜 |
球体への成膜 |
独自の機構により球体全面に均一な成膜 |